I am falling in love (well, extreme like) of old sewing patterns. Currently, I am trying to sew a dress from a pattern I found in an antique store--for 50 cents!!-- in Waxahachie (pronounced Wox-ah-hatch-ee), Texas. The downtown square is such vintage Texana!
Anyhow, I'm trying to sew up this vintage pattern. It seems that older patterns have no markings on the pattern pieces (just some hole-punched...well...HOLES) and scanty how-tos. After working on the bodice, I figured out that the first two steps of the instructions were for the collar-less version--and I wanted a collar. So rip, rip, rip and start over!
BTW, I have no idea how old this pattern is. The pattern number is 3448, but it did not come with a pattern envelope, and I can't find anything on the pattern or instructions to help me figure out its age.
Here's a pic--can anyone help? Thanks in advance!
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